Friday, July 27, 2012

Brandon Summer Fest 2012, August 1st - 5th

Brandon's Annual Summer Fest is fast approaching and the Lions are excited this year to bring you a few of new things:

* Our Summer Fest Raffle will have cash prizes this year:  Grand Prize $500 Cash, 1st Prize $250 Cash, 2nd Prize $100 Cash, plus 20+ other prizes.  Drawing will be held on August 4, 2012 at 7:30pm at Lions Park.  Ask a Lion for tickets or swing into our local gas stations.  We will also be selling during the summer fest parade and at Lions Park the day of the drawing.

* We will be offering BINGO in Lions Park on Saturday 8/4 from 2-5pm.  Drop in and play - cost is $1.00/game with 50% payback.

* On Saturday 8/4 evening, right after BINGO, from 5-7:30pm we will be having a Fish Fry Meal at Lions Park.  The Alexandria Viking Sportsmen will be frying up the fish.  Menu: Fish, beans, potato salad, watermelon & beverage.  Cost is $6.00 - adults, $4.00 - 12 & under

Lots of other events are planned for Summer Fest.  Check out the City of Brandon website for more details and to view the flyer.

A huge THANK YOU to the Brandon Community Club for their work in getting this year's Summer Fest organized!!