Friday, June 6, 2014

Annual Governor's Banquet and Awards Night

Last night (6/5/14) we met up at the Old Mill in Urbank and had a wonderful evening with PDG Jerry Miller. 

Awards Given
Certificate of Appreciation:
Al Guenther, Lynn Murray,
Sharon Spencer

President’s Award:
Tessa Dutcher

Leader Dogs for the Blind Founders Tribute:
Chuck Carlson

Dream Catcher Award:
John Lund

Lion of the Year:
Harold Peterson

PDG Jerry Miller also installed our 2014-15 Officer Team:

President:  John Rolf
1st Vice President:  Tessa Dutcher
2nd Vice President:  -vacant-
3rd Vice President:  -vacant-
Secretary: Harold Peterson
Treasurer: Lynn Murray
Board of Directors: Al Guenther (3), Bob Reynolds (2), John Lund (1)
Tail Twister: Paul Lauthen
Lion Tamer:  Mike Ranweiler
Immediate Past President:  Jim Spencer

We are looking forward to a GREAT year of Lionism.
Get involved and we’ll see you around!